Marriage License:Marriage licenses may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am to 3:30 pm.
The first step in filing a marriage license is to have the marriage intentions recorded in writing, see form below. You may print out the Intentions Form to bring with you. Please note the form must be completed in black ink and your signatures must be signed in the presence of a notary (Notaries are available at no cost at the Town Office). Both parties must sign the intentions form, stating they are free to marry. If you have been previously married, you must bring a certified divorce decree (with a raised seal), not a photocopy, or a death certificate if applicable, those certified copies are not kept by the clerk. There is a $40 fee to obtain a marriage license.
If the indiviudals intending to marry are both residents of Maine, they must file intentions at the municipal office in the town or city where they reside (if they live in separate locations, they only have to file intentions in one of the towns of residence). Please bring proof of residency.
If only one party to the marriage resides in Maine and the other party resides outside the State of Maine, then both parties must file their intentions at the municipal office in the town/city where the resident lives.
If neither individual is a resident of Maine, they must file intentions in any municipal office. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State.
There is no waiting period in Maine; once the intentions are filed, the license may be issued immediately. The license must be used within 90 days from the date the intentions were filed. Blood tests are not required in Maine.
Two witnesses of the ceremony are required; they must sign the marriage license after the ceremony. It is the responsibility of the person officiating at the ceremony to complete and return the license to the issuing town office within seven days.