A Land Use Application/Permit must be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer prior to starting work for the following proposed uses, including but not limited to: residence, accessory building, mobile home, pier-dock-wharf, clearing for approved construction, fill, timber harvesting, demolition, home occupation, and renovation-restoration-demolition. The application must indicate if the proposed work is located within: a recorded subdivision, Shoreland Zoning, or a Flood Hazard Zone.
The Land Use Application is a two-page, multicopy form, which is available at the Town Office only, not online. Please call the Town Office if you would like an application mailed to you.
Applications/permits for subdivisions, commercial site plan review, construction in the Shoreland Zone, and Code Enforcement Officer recommended issues are to be approved by the Planning Board. All Land Use Applications requiring Planning Board approval must be returned to the Town Office nine (9) days before the next Planning Board meeting date (Planning Board meetings are held on the second and last Wednesdays of each month.)