Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Town of Lincolnville, Maine

Vital Records
In July, 2010, substantial changes were made to Maine's vital records laws.  These new changes now mandate specific requirements must be met before we can release birth, death, or marriage records which occurred within a specified timeframe.  The first link below will display the chart provided by the State of Maine and illustrates which records are closed or public, and who can obtain records.

Who can obtain a certified or non-certified copy of a vital record? 

The links below are the request forms required to obtain a closed vital record (or certified copy of a public record). Please note proof of "direct and legitimate interest" and proof of identification are also required for many vital records (see chart above).

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