Submission Information to Place Item on Agendas
Select Board Agenda:
The Select Board typically meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the Lincolnville Town Office, 493 Hope Road. The meetings are live streamed (see link on the home page of this web site).
Items requested to be placed on an agenda must be submitted to the Chair or the Town Administrator by noon the Tuesday preceding the next regularly scheduled meeting. Informational material to be included within the meeting packet shall be delivered to the Town Office by noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
Planning Board Agenda:
The Planning Board typically meets on the second and last Wednesdays of the month at Lincolnville Town Office.
Items requested to be placed on a Planning Board agenda must be submitted by 5 p.m. the Monday of the preceding week of the meeting. Nine copies of any application/documentation must be submitted at that time. Contact the Code Enforcement Officer at (207) 763-3601 for additional details.
Other Committee Agendas:
If interested in placing an item on another Town committee agenda(s), please contact the Town Office for assistance.